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mental notes to meditate while in the "zone"?

Started by Da Zues Mon, June 12, 2009, 10:32:52 PM

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Da Zues Mon

usually, i have a hard time to get myself to frequently meditate. a friend of mine said that making a mental note to meditate everyday when the time is right when he is engaged in a subconscious state during meditation, then he forgets about it to let the unconscious deal with his meditation "schedule".
i figured this could help me out since i have tried doing it in a mechanical, structured, and timed manner and it just hasn't really been going good for me and in the way i seemed to operate my day.
this seems to be related to a technique used in dream recall and evntually leading to lucid dreaming. i forgot what's it called but you basically tell yourself that you're going to dream and wake up right after to recall it. this method has helped me much with dream recall and lucid dreaming. maybe this same approach could be used to help me out with my meditation.

anyone got any suggestions? i would greatly appreciate any replies:)



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This is from another thread, but it might be relevant here as well,

"I just started reading "The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. It is a combination of Tibetan Buddism and Bon. A very interesting read so far. In the book he states doing dream yoga every night for ten years is the same as doing a three year meditation retreat. He does say though, that it is best to have a teacher for this practice."

Very interesting book on the subject. I haven't actually tried the practice yet, but I'm hoping to in the near future once I start meditating with a Tibetan Buddhist group in Kyoto.

Da Zues Mon

thank you for the replies. i greatly appreciate it!!!!! ;D