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Started by Username, July 03, 2009, 04:56:37 PM

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How do you know that all these experiences that you have had are not a product of your own consciousness that results from brain activity? Why do you assume that you are God and conciseness is everything when there is a high possibility that conciseness arises from brain activity? How do you know that you are not just hallucinating?


I have noticed that enlightenment or whatever you want to call it and depersonalization are almost identical. If some people that experience depersonalization find nothing mystical about it couldn't this mean that there is nothing to it except the loss of the relative perception of onesself putting on in an existential objective reality. The only thing that makes you believe that you are god or spirits is a preconceived thought that you held before it happened?

The same experience where you realize you are god is the same experience that the atheist, nihilist has when they realize there is no god or truth and that everything is essentially nothing. It seems that the difference here is in where they see nothing, you see something.

Also, how you claim that the process cannot be stooped how when people who go though depersonalization recover? Psychologist sometimes go though an ego death to get more insights into how the mind works.

Destroying the ego just doesn't seem like a rational choice and with no ego I have came to realize that you are much more open to believing delusions. Losing the old ego can be healing but why keep destroying it? Why not let it rebuild and become healthier? Destroying the ego just seems to be a bad idea.

I recognize that it is an altered state of consciousness but how do you know it is anything other than that? Why do you believe in spirits, heart voices, chakras and all of that other stuff?


If science is ever able to explain what consciousness is, or energy, since consciousness is a form of energy (bio-electrical) then I would consider becoming a humanist atheist, but so far they can't so I'll keep on meditating and believing!

And from what I've read depersonalization is nothing like enlightenment.
The enlightened, so they say, have no fear, whereas depersonalization is all about fear. Obtaining enlightenment is about achieving a oneness not feeling detached from everything.

"It seems that the difference here is in where they see nothing, you see something."

Most enlightened individuals don't claim to see something, they claim to experience everything. I suppose some of them that have enjoyed fame, power, money, ect could be lying just to get ahead in life, but that doesn't explain the many that live very simple lives.


Ahhh, fascinating questions...  :)
Cannot resist the temptation to throw in my two cents worth.

Quote from: UsernameDestroying the ego just doesn't seem like a rational choice and with no ego I have came to realize that you are much more open to believing delusions. Losing the old ego can be healing but why keep destroying it? Why not let it rebuild and become healthier? Destroying the ego just seems to be a bad idea.

You don't destroy the ego, you let it dissolve.
Ego IS the delusion.

Quote from: UsernameI recognize that it is an altered state of consciousness but how do you know it is anything other than that? Why do you believe in spirits, heart voices, chakras and all of that other stuff?

I'm a scientist myself. I don't believe anything unless I've experienced it myself.
Then again, once I've experienced it, I don't have to believe, because now I KNOW.

Quote from: UsernameHow do you know that all these experiences that you have had are not a product of your own consciousness that results from brain activity?

Brain activity is HOW it comes about.
But what or who CAUSES the brain activity?

I find that scientific theories are excellent for making sense of stuff after it has happened.
I find that religious concepts are far easier for putting into practice while you're in the middle of stuff.
I try to use both of these ways, complementing each other and balancing each other out.

Darn, my English is not good enough for such discussions.  ;)
Best wishes, Username!

John Frusciante

Yes, you don't destroy the ego, you simply uncover what sits behind it, and merge with it, which has infinite creativity and intelligence. Then the ego is something entirely different.

The main symptom of Kundalini is Bliss, peace, and all-satisfaction. These things are actually rarely spoken about at this site, but are the most important things and the verifiable proof for the believer (rather than chakra-talk and physical phenomena). I experince bliss. That's my "proof". I believe the human soul has an infinite capacity for bliss (as does God).

Another dimension of this path is the mystery of the breath, which actually subsides and stops in mystical experience. Later on your heart will stop pumping, and a spiritual death will occur (a perfectly safe one). Most mystical experiences can not occur while the breath is coming in-and-out at usual rates, because the breath and mind are explicitely linked. When the mind stops moving, the breath stops moving - and visa-versa. Breathe is mind, so is the body. So this is further proof that Kundalini experiences are not just "in the brain", because the brain and mind stops in mystical experience. The body shuts down - breath, heartbeat, mind....everything

Well, I find atheists quite humerous really, since they haven't really thought about what they are seeking to reject. God has been defined in many ways by different traditions. The most obvious definition of God is infinite peace and bliss. The other most obvious definition of God is Love. Is the atheist gonna tell me that peace and bliss doesn't exist!! or love!! LOL.