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Sex As Trigger For Kundalini Awakening?

Started by firefox, October 17, 2009, 08:57:15 AM

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I came upon your wonderful website which I feel has opened vistas for me. Based on an experience which I will share with you, I arrived at the hypothesis that the experience of prolonged absolute orgasm can trigger an energy transfer between two people that can result in a kundalini awakening for either one or both sexual partners. I recently discovered  evidence to support this idea from research performed by a team of scientists in Copenhagen. Their work (http://www.newbrainnewworld.com/?Awakening_of_Kundalini:Kundalini_and_Sex) which includes mapping the brainwaves of a volunteer during an absolute orgasm is very compelling.
I would very much appreciate your opinion on this, especially Mystress's opinion since she seems to know a lot about Tantra.

In 2004 I believe I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening that has changed my life forever. One moment I was my normal self, and the next second, I suddenly found myself on the floor of the basement, crying with overwhelming joy and pain suffused together. The pain of all my childhood traumas including my parents' divorce was melted by an incredible love and compassion for myself and the world around me. It occurred to me that all my emotions other than the authentic love that embodies my true nature are needless reactions to events outside of me. I heard voices in my head telling me "do not react". They flowed from within me and yet the source was beyond me. Attuned to everything within me, I was able to naturally align parts of my personality which I had previously cut off from myself. All memories that ever caused me pain resurfaced and I accepted them for what they were without fear or disgust. I accepted the self that I was then and forgave the reactions that manifested themselves as emotions that molded my personality. I realized that every time we cut ourselves off, we create a false sense of self that is divorced from the undying love that resides within us. Free of cynicism, anger, sadness, and expectation I found myself in the original state of complete bliss. (After some later research, I learned that these discarded parts are what Jung called our "shadow" which if brought back to light through our own loving kindness and understanding, can bring true psychic freedom).

I felt whole, immensely grateful, and deeply humbled, as if to speak about this sacred experience would influence my perception of it. I also wondered whether I was going insane since it appeared as though my view of the world and my priorities were suddenly completely off from everyone else's. To think about this analytically is to create a concept that is already dead because it fails to fully capture the essence of the experience. The paradigm of there being no "me" and no "I" as a subject made perfect sense to me. There is just "IT" and there will always be "IT" - the ultimate timeless reality. If humans did not exist on earth, nothing would really matter. The life force that manifests in our consciousness is the same life force that animates the universe. We are all one and the same.

I struggled for months to figure out exactly what this experience was, and it wasn't until I read Ekhard Tolle's book. Upon further research on enlightenment, I came upon the term "Kundalini awakening". I was immediately struck by the description of Kundalini energy as sexual life energy or prana. Reading that this energy could be awakened in a number of ways, I made the connection that I had been awakened because of a series of very unique sexual experiences before the awakening. Over the course of one week before the awakening, I had simultaneous orgasms for nearly an hour during sex which took place about one to two times daily. Each orgasm felt like it lasted an eternity. During these transfixing experiences I felt as thought my heart was being massaged by a warm shaft of light. The strange part about the sex was that it was so easy for my partner to give me a mind-blowing orgasm, as though there was some invisible force binding us together. Afterwards, my partner and I would pass out for about half an hour, sometimes falling asleep.

Is it possible that somewhere in the exchange of energies, my kundalini was awakened, traveling up through my heart chakra and towards the crown? Could it be possible that a series of sustained orgasms lasting for an extended period each time can unblock the chakras and increase the flow of kundalini energy to the brain?  I can't really think of any other factors that may have contributed to this spontaneous incident.

I have found it difficult to return to normal life after this but have found an inner peace that I can always return to after the experience. I still have back pain and disorientation. A year after this awakening I was hospitalized with an unexplainable fever and bodyache that lasted over a week. After a total body CT scan, the doctors were unable to determine the cause. The Tibetans call this kundalini energy "tummo" or a purifying fire. Perhaps this fever was triggered by the symtoms of this awakening. I would really appreciate if you can share your insights with me. Thank you so much for making this forum available to all of us who are pursuing our spiritual freedom.