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How to guide a 7-year old in her shamanic initiation

Started by Yinbee, July 26, 2010, 08:00:10 AM

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Hi all,

My sister came over yesterdady and told me she was worried about her daugthter who had started having visions and premonitions and predicted her father's illness. I had always thought my niece was a shaman too (both my mother and I are) but I never expected her to be called so early, since I wasn´t claimed until I was in my mid thirties (and it took me a while to figure out what was going on since my mom hadn't 'come out of the closet' until I confronted her).

I gave my sister some ideas on how to deal with the situation (fortunately she is pretty open-minded) but based solely on how I would have liked my family to handle the situation had I been seven years old at the onset of the crisis.

Has anyone had to deal with a situation like this? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Hello, Yinbee,  ... not knowing what you've done, I'd think the basics would be helpful.  Opening one's crown; grounding upon which so much can be built, magical ethics.  You can find the last two on kundalini-teacher. com  Jai.


Thanks for the advice on the crown but I don't want to mess with her process so directly. Plus, I wouldn't know how to do it! I trust that she is being guided and protected. I will talk to her about ethics at some point.

What we are doing is pretty ordinary stuff, like believing her and not making her feel like she's a freak, and explaining to her that there are other people like her who can perceive things that are not in physical reality. I'm also thinking of giving her a stone that she can use as protection (if anything, an amulet that will work like Dumbo's feather). I think my sister's main concern is that my niece may feel responsible for the things she can foresee.


She can open her own crown.  Search for grounding, on this site, k-t.com.   There's an animated and a print version. 

As I mentioned, opening one's crown is prerequisite to doing any energy work as it provides an exit for energy so it won't ricochet in the body and/or settle on an organ, the long term effect of which may be irreperable damage.  It's just good, ounce of prevention, energy hygiene. 


  Lineage Shamans have some important distinctions to Shamans like myself... its a milder path...  but even so,  you don't really feel like Shamans to me, more like natural born witches.

  Teach the grounding in a modified form, of pretending to be a tree, with roots deep in the earth feeding and leaves open absorbing sunshine. 

  Is she really is a shaman then the night terrors will have started already. Teach her to give love to the monster so it becomes a friend.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Thanks, Ms. Serpent. I will teach her the tree grounding.

I won't try to convince you that we are shamanesses. I know it's a touchy subject on this forum, and I don't really care too much, plus, that would be dividing us into the ares and are nots... we are all One (but I am relieved that if we were, our path would be milder).

Thanks again.