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Does it matter who gives you shaktipat?

Started by surf, July 20, 2011, 09:42:31 AM

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I am wondering if a persons kundalini experience will differ depending on who they receive shaktipat from?  Can receiving shaktipat from someone who is immature in their kundalini experience cause you to become the same or will it simply activate you and your experience will be your experience no matter who gives the shaktipat?  Any help would be much appreciated.



  One would think, that since Goddess is All, it would not make a difference.. but in practice, it does. plus, what are you getting, besides the shaktipat? There are some very charismatic people promoting some undesirable beliefs.
  A good transmitter can clear more blockages for a smooth awakening, and be able to handle the karma incoming from you. There is an energy connection that lingers, often faintly but persistent. If you are going to ask someone to be God for you like that, be choosy!

  I rarely formally grant Shaktipat, I just dont think its my decision, when someone awakens... Goddess has it handled... but at the same time, Shakti energy goes into anything I do, including writing posts and websites and even virtual world locations like my secondlife island.

  When I travel and do weekend intensive workshops, I can expect to get karma incoming from participants for up to five years after. Stray bits of stuff that was triggered but delayed by my wish to be gentle with people  and not overload them. Karma follows responsibility and I am the teacher... I am deeply surrendered to Goddess myself so a lot of it clears autopilot. Even so I probably spend about 70 percent of my time with energy hygiene, whether meditating or putting incoming stuff into creative outlets, or working with people, students and the lineage are partly trained by practicing different types of clearing on me.  Personally I would prefer people deal with thier own karma, its a valuable source of personal insights that leads to a strong sense of self knowledge, a good foundation for spiritual stability.
   In 1996 someone on the celstine prophecy list asked how to get grounded so I typed up my method I had used for years... and about 7 people on that list reported kundalini awakening when they tried it.  I would guess thousands have been awakened through it since, its a valuable practice.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Mystress much thanks for the reply!  I was browsing through your fire serpent tantra site not too long ago and felt such an intense sexual energy.  It was amazing!  I didn't understand at first and then read on here that shaktipat can be transmitted via internet.  Once I get my current situation figured out I would love to sign up and participate in your course.  I've felt energy from this site as well.

I've read on here that you have helped facilitate the ending of many people's dark nights.  I've been stuck in it for over 4 years suffering very intensely, not fully understanding what is happening.  I think it's related to kundalini.

I'm sending in payment to Sigmund for Serpent Fire Tummo today and really hope that it can help me.  Is there any other advice you have for someone stuck in the dark night? 

Sincere Appreciation,