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How do we merge with our shadow self?

Started by doright and fear nothing, March 26, 2013, 02:07:39 PM

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doright and fear nothing

Thank you for this website! a few years back, my Kundalini was released. it was not intentional, at least on a conscious level, and i am wondering about healthy ways to merge the shadow self. i do breath work, tian gong, have a few healing modalities under my belt, but still  experience some rather interesting interference!!! i have been actively working on transcendence of ego, but was wonder if any one had some great meditations, mantras etc that could further help with the facing and integration of shadow self. I am going to go to a 10 day vipassana retreat and start to do kundalini yogas after, but would love to get any suggestions or guidance available. if i mentioned the experience of when my kundalini was released, most may find it to be out of a science fiction comic book. thank you for any help, peace and love,


Meditation is great, and will help you work through all sorts of things, but if you feel inspired to do shadow work, what it's really is about is to take responsibility for your projections on other people and things in the world, and realize it's inside you. If it bugs you, it's yours.


Let me share some examples of my own experiences. I used to be really irritated with people who dressed a certain way, sat with their cell phones all the time and talked about shallow topics. All the while thinking on some level I was better than them. What was really going on? I was the shallow one. I had in one glimpse reduced those people to shallow entities, while knowing absolutely nothing about them, not seeing Goddess in them, nor in myself.
Seeing someone else, thinking how arrogant he/she looks, what a puffed up peacock. Who is actually puffed up, thinking those thoughts about someone I don't even know, who is being arrogant?

Shadow work comes spontaneously, but you can if you feel inspired, do it deliberately too. It takes some practice, but it can make wonders!
