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Started by elizadoalot, April 28, 2013, 09:37:29 PM

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Hello. I wanted to enquire about learning the tummo exercises/meditations.
I have connected with a vajryana guide in Arizona. (he is the real thing..private practitioner like you. received visions from VajraYogini)
I am a 58 year old retired pediatric oncology nurse.
I left a 33 year abusive marriage a little over 3 years ago
My spiritual journey began at this time. but this has been part of my nature..that was covered by the Muck.
We have been working very hard via email and he encouraged me to move from Ontario to Vancouver. I arrived in January and have been exploring different spiritual groups and sangha's. Over the last month or so my body temperature has been rising. And in speaking (via email) with Jim/kunchok )(he was initiated by the Dali Lama into Kalachakra in 1980 in Wisconsin) he told me he is pretty proficient at Tummo. He has not taught me this practice because I had to get rid of my conditioned behaviour..anger..from the abuse before I could learn. It has come to the surface that I am connecting to him and experiencing his rise in body heat. I get so hot I get diaphoretic. Since this happened I have had a sense of peace come over me.. despite very difficult circumstances. Jim has suggested I find a teacher of these techniques So today I started cruising the net It is interesting that I never came across your site till today. But it reminds me of how he speaks. Would it be possible to meet one of your advanced students to discuss working with them. and learning these techniques. with one on one guidance.
Thank you.


  Serpent Fire Tummo is not the same as Tibetan Tummo. There isnt training needed just a single initiation to activate it.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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