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Thank you for the Power Chakra page!

Started by christine, July 17, 2007, 08:25:24 AM

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HI..I jioned because I just had to say a THANK YOU after reading the page on the Power Chakra. I am grateful for the honesty and the knowledge. I can see now clearer lines between my own feelings centerd in the heart and my angerd feelings coming from the Power chakra. What I myself have done with all this in the past. I say past because I see just how I have created projections myself.I do not want to engage in those power games. Now I have much more to recognize.


Thanks from me as well...I thought it was really good and have been checking your pages for more chakra info for quite a while! Please write more on the other chakras it would mean so much to me.
Yours truely


 I have been reading through the website a little at a time and visiting the grounding page almost daily. It is becoming easier to connect with the combined energies  offerd there. They are most beautiful and I am becoming more familiar with my own higher self. I do feel that Spirit Goddess is presant throughout my days now. The wind is always a good reminder!! This morning I asked about this past year. I have battled with constant opposits, other peoples issues, resistance of my own that has literally got my legs in pain! So, this morning I was given clear understanding of most of these things for the first time!! Answer after answer. I have also asked to get rid of all conflicting voices. Yes, Im a Too sensitive person. Time to put some correct bounderies in place and give self the treatment deserved. Also, to get out of my own way!
I was in a car accident last year with spinal difficulties since. That has been the start of all this. Painful yes, but nessisary. I also felt tissues in my neck pop, "release" during todays grounding.
I have always owned and ridden horses. I have a four year old very dominate andalusian gelding. "Kavia" is his name.(Long i) After the car acc. I was set back from starting him under saddle. He has sensed my unbalanced state for a year now and has tried to take over the order of things between us. It has been a test every day. Nature is so wise!! He also sensed my crappy boundries and pushed his way right into my space constantly.I have been around many horses but there has never been a horse with so much presance as he.. I am striving to become a balanced being of nature so I can build the trust/respect between us. Somehow I think this time might be different.  
I am very glad I found this site!  ~ Christine in Oregon.


I have been reading about a movement via 2003 "Maya Calander" that is in the East. India. The basic message is that many people are becoming enlightend... That enlightenment is a biological/ process in the brain that cannot be earned but must be gifted.. through grace.

This is the message that I have been getting from your website as well.

~The greatest is that it is highly likely that we all will become enlightend within a short period of time and will help rebalance all that is ruled by dominance.
(Deeksha, fire from heaven.)



I hesitate to post this as I'd rather not bring controversies here but I feel I must.

You owe it to yourself to get some other opinions other than the book you are reading.

This link will take you to a google.groups thread on alt.healing.reiki about someone's recent experience. The relevant part starts around the 8th post.

And read this too from http://www.healthypages.co.uk:

And finally an info site by people who've been there and done that:

My advice, be careful not to give your power away to those who seek to stand between you and God/dess. (Mystress teaches the same thing)

Needless to say I'm not talking about Mystress. She's a wonderful teacher as you've found, who teaches (among many other things) that the divinity is in YOU.

Take care. :)

ps. To the admin: Feel free to delete this if you feel it is inappropriate.


QuoteI have been reading about a movement via 2003 "Maya Calander" that is in the East. India. The basic message is that many people are becoming enlightend... That enlightenment is a biological/ process in the brain that cannot be earned but must be gifted.. through grace.

This is the message that I have been getting from your website as well.

~The greatest is that it is highly likely that we all will become enlightend within a short period of time and will help rebalance all that is ruled by dominance.
(Deeksha, fire from heaven.)

   Ah, so the Deeksha movement claims grace must come from another person. heh. Thanks for the links,  bluesbeat. I welcome controversy, it is one of the few things that actually gets people thinking. Especially if the controversy is not about me! LOL! (also, thanks for links instead of posting the text.)

 I do find it interesting, how people interpret - or misinterpret my writing. Years ago I came to the conclusion that the Far Side cartoon, "What we say to dogs.. and what they hear" is funny because it is true for people too.. far more than most people ever guess.  For a writer, the insight is at first despairing, demoralizing because what is the point of writing anything, if only to be mis-understood?  Yet, it is also freeing, especially for the artist. Let go of trying to control how the art will be received and be faithful to the Muse.
  The patriarchs including the  Guru types, and all the astral entities you can shake a stick at,  all want you to believe that you need them to be middleman between you and your own Divinity, or you are out of luck.  Half the planet plays this power game, whether it be by priest or yogi.  That is NOT what I write.

 Yes, enlightenment can be earned through effort, the practice of surrender, humility and grounding. I find the Guru rescue fantasy to be a little infantile... enlightenment is a do-it-yourself process, if it is to be worthwhile.  Teachers can be useful, but with a school, you graduate! or you drop out, or.. but religious slavery is life long. So my work is and will continue to be modeled as an educational facility, not an ashram, church or religion.  

 Additionally... every generation thinks it has something special, and maybe it does but these things come around in a pretty predictable orbit. The threats and promises of astral entities just don't change much, over time. Same sales pitch, invent a problem to sell the solution.  Who decided the world is unbalanced?  What if, the world is just fine, spinning on its orbit as Goddess wills?  That is the enlightened view.  Egos see problems, Goddess sees perfection, Her self reflected.

  Within my lifetime, the predicted dates for armageddon or world enlightenment have come and gone repeatedly with little or no effect.

  We were all going to be enlightened by the Harmonic convergence in the 80's, the comet Hale-Bopp in the 90's, the lightships, then we were all going to die at the millennium 2000, no wait the millennium is actually 2001, now some people are waiting for 2012... Age of Aquarius, Age of Kali Yuga, bla bla bla.  As if our arbitrary calendars and the number games we play with them, make a bit of difference to the universe!  
  Spiritual fads come and go faster than hairstyle fashions. You have to lend your DNA to the Pleiadeans, no channel the Ascended Masters, you have to enlighten the world with your merkaba or be a reiki master or reparent your inner child or go to Est or bla bla bla. Hairstyle fashions are at least more honest, nobody tries to tell you that your blonde highlights will save the world.

 The original followers of Christ believed armageddon would happen in their lifetimes, and dozens of dates and predictions have come and passed though the church uneventfully, since. Control by fear. Every religion has some version of "this path is the best path, this god is the real god, everybody else is fucked and will be hell-bound.  Whenever you have an identified group you get an "us and them" game, you are in the group or you are a outsider/infidel/heretic whatever.  It is just more separation.

 I remember in the late 90's, there were some channelers saying the earth was going to split like an ameoba and there would be the high vibe planet where good people go to be ascended masters and the doomed, hell in a handbasket earth for the people who didn't toe the party line.

  Guess what, there are already four billion earths, one for every person on this planet and whether you choose your personal reality to be high synchronicity or low energy is completely up to you. Thou art God.

 Now this quote about dominance!! LOL!! And from a group that is promising you rewards for giving your power away to them. People swallow the BS without even noticing the hypocritical contradictions.  A friend has a word for them: Sheeople (sheep people)

 I don't mean to be unkind. A good friend who is also a teacher said, my biggest failing as a teacher is expecting people to know stuff, that seems really obvious to me... if they knew it, they would not be looking for a teacher, duh.  I think it is I see Goddess in them, and make assumptions that they see it too.

 Humans are herd creatures, pack animals and dominance and submission games are embedded in our DNA.  All animals that move in flocks, herds or packs have a hierarchical structure, even if leadership is a rotating role like for geese.  Hierarchies have has purpose in nature, to manifest teamwork:  to organize and unify a group so it can accomplish more than the individual could do alone.   Every attempt by humans to create a genuinely egalitarian society has ended up with more elaborate class or caste structures, and that goes for the USA and the USSR equally.

  In some ways it works for religion too, everybody focus on the figurehead, priest, Guru, High Priestess, and that one directs the energy... like three firemen to hold the hose and one to aim it.  However, that sort of teamwork rather depends on a stable hierarchy... one where it is impossible for everyone to  become enlightened because then who would take out the garbage?  Only one Guru per ashram allowed, LOL.

 Imagine a little kid watching the firemen and thinking it is not fair that only one gets to aim the hose... complaining about the imbalance of dominance...

 Dominance simply means, leadership. So if we are not to be led by leadership, what does that mean? It makes no sense at all in the real world. I think it means leadership by Gurus...   So much for the separation of church and state, eh?     Hmm, no thanks.   8-)


QuoteI have been reading through the website a little at a time and visiting the grounding page almost daily. It is becoming easier to connect with the combined energies  offerd there. They are most beautiful and I am becoming more familiar with my own higher self. I do feel that Spirit Goddess is presant throughout my days now.
I am very glad I found this site!  ~ Christine in Oregon.

  I am glad you are finding benefit from the site. I don't mind giving people a leg up, I invite people to visit as often as they like to get a hit of energy, but only during the learning curve.  I discourage dependence.  Long term benefit comes of you forging your own relationship to Goddess within yourself.  You have to learn the grounding yourself,  and do it on your own repeatedly without leaning on me, to get real and lasting benefit.
