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Standing up for the Honest Truth, Back off Gurus

Started by epicurus, January 06, 2012, 09:53:44 AM

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back off gurus, stop forcing yourself on yogis, true bhakti doesn't advertise itself or attend trainings, to do so is just bragging, true bhakti is just is for sake of being, all consuming,
guided ecstatically by Spirit itself, its not something you learn but something that overcomes you, which burns deep in your heart, like raving, someone with true bhakti would only see their beloved, so there is no one to brag to... true love is NOT A GURU! TRUE LOVE JUST IS!! true love is not slavery, true love is not service. true love, when we find it, just is what we are


  Nobody is forcing themselves on anyone but you are forcing your aggressive opinions onto this board. If there is someplace you think Goddess is not, the issue is with your own perceptions. Do you have some guru chasing you with a stick, forcing you to become a seeker? Not likely!
  Your posts look a lot like those of someone I removed from this forum previously. I have removed some of your other posts. This is not the place to wave the flag for your drug of choice, it is not your personal soapbox.  
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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