If you have found value in the information presented in this site, then consider becoming a Fire Serpent Tantra member!
I have been helping people with their Kundalini process for many years. When the numbers of people asking me to train them to handle their awakening experience became more than the hours in a day could handle, I decided it was time to make the information more widely accessible.
I am comfortable teaching via email and I know that Shakti energy can be shared via cyberspace, so I built an online Kundalini Mystery School. The course in Fire Serpent Tantra is nearly 60 lessons, presented in a multimedia form of realplayer streaming video, web page lessons, animations and illustrations, meditations, visualizations, practices and web links to research related topics.
There is a members-only bulletin board that we call the Tea Room, where members can share experiences, support each other and receive support from me. A members-only chat room offers an optional real-time connection with other students and myself. Any student can schedule a chat session on the Bulletin board and invite the other students to a tea party.
I have shown the course to many other spiritual teachers and mystics, and they tend to be amazed at how thorough it is. It inspires them to go back and fill in some blanks in their own teachings. I have been on the spiritual path all my life, I have tried nearly everything in my travels and studies, and fallen into just about every pothole and trap along the path... followed up by years spent helping others get out of similar holes.
Most of the people who are drawn to this course, are spontaneously awakened with little spiritual preparation. They prayed for help in understanding the experience and learning to cope with it, and Spirit answered by leading them to me. They are glad of it!
I speak in plain language, distilling mystical concepts into bone simple ideas that stick. I have no patience for exotic gobbledygook that serves no purpose but to make you sound mystical at cocktail parties, or requires a latin or sanskrit dictionary to untangle. As Einstein said,
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
What went into this course is what is essential, what is important, and what works reliably, when properly applied. Every major spiritual principle is covered, including some that the ancients never encountered... like, what to do if your Kundalini starts taking out electrical and electronic devices.
It has taken me a long time to put together this course. It has taken me even longer to evolve myself to a place where I feel ready to present something like this. And I truly hope that you will join me on this beautiful journey that is the greatest love affair on Earth, the relationship between you and your own Divinity, your own Spirit.
The price for an all-inclusive one year membership
to Fire Serpent Tantra is $150.00 cdn payable by credit card, check or money order.

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